fourth of july pet safety tips

When you think about the Fourth of July you probably imagine hot dogs on the grill, American flags flapping in the wind, and colorful fireworks displays booming overhead. For many, this holiday is a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate our country’s independence. But our pets don’t always share our enthusiasm for the rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in air! With the holiday weekend right around the corner, consider these pet safety tips to gear up for a fun-filled Fourth of July! 

Pet Safety Tips for Before the Fourth

Planning before the holiday can help ensure your furry friends stay safe, happy, and healthy this Fourth of July! 

Call Your Vet for Anti-Anxiety Medications

For some animals, prescription medications or calming supplements can reduce the stress of fireworks and other Fourth of July festivities. If you know your pet is scared of fireworks, now is the time to call your vet! We can help you decide which treatment plan will be most beneficial for your pet. We may recommend medications, supplements, or anti-anxiety devices like pheromone diffusers and thunder shirts to help your pets navigate the holiday. 

Note: if your pet already has an approved prescription for anti-anxiety medications, you can request refills through our convenient online pharmacy.

Create A Safe Space

Sometimes, less really is more! Keeping pets in a familiar, escape-proof room or cozy crate can be comforting during stressful holiday events. Provide their favorite toys, blankets, and treats to keep them as comfy as possible. 

Check That ID Tags & Microchips Are Up-To-Date

More pets go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year! Scared pets may dart out open doors or windows, and curious pets might wander out when house guests accidentally leave the door open. Before the festivities begin, ensure your pets wear proper identification tags with your name, their name, and contact information clearly legible. If your pet is microchipped, check that your contact information is up-to-date in the registry. 

Pet Safety Tips for During the Festivities

Between welcoming house guests and celebrating, it’s important to keep pet safety top of mind. These tips can help prevent serious accidents over the holiday weekend!

Keep Dogs Away from Hot Grills

The Fourth of July is a perfect time to pull out the grill! But unattended dogs might follow their curious noses into trouble. Barbecue essentials like raw meat, kabob skewers, and charcoal can be dangerous for pets. Either keep pets away from cooking areas or make sure someone’s keeping a close eye on the grill to prevent accidents. 

Keep Pets Indoors After Dark

The biggest, most booming fireworks displays start once the sun goes down! Be sure to have pet dogs and cats indoors before the fireworks start. Check for open doors and windows that they might dart out of if they become frightened.

Drown Out The Noise

A little white noise can help keep scared pets calm. Consider turning on a fan, playing comforting music on the radio, and closing windows and curtains for an extra layer of soundproofing.

Have A Safe & Fun-Filled Fourth of July!

We hope you get a chance to celebrate this year’s holiday with good food, good friends, and happy pets! If you have any questions about how to prepare your companion animals for the Fourth of July weekend, contact the Pine Point Animal Hospital team. We’re here to help! 


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