Get Ready for Your First Visit to Our Vet Clinic!

We understand that visiting a new vet clinic for the first time can seem a bit daunting! Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to help reduce stress and make the experience more comfortable. 

advanced pet care

Medical records checklist:

  • Adoption or Purchase Records

    This paperwork can include important information about your pet's previous veterinary care and health history.

  • Previous Test Results

    Lab work, x-rays, advanced imaging, and any other diagnostic results.

  • Vaccination & Medical History

    Include records from any previous vet clinics, specialists, or rescures your pet has received care.

  • Current Food, Medications, & Supplements

    Your pet's feeding schedule, what brand/formula of food they're eating, and any medications or supplements they take regularly.

  • Questions About Your Pet's Health

    We want to make sure you're informed about your pet's care! Writing down questions ahead of time can be a helpful way to make sure you get the answers you need.

Tips for Your Pet's First Trip to the Vet Clinic

Consider visiting the vet clinic ahead of time. Often anxiety comes from not knowing what to expect. If you have some free time and you’re feeling nervous about your pet’s appointment, consider stopping by a few days in advance. By knowing where to park, where to check-in, and what to expect, you can take the pressure off your pet’s actual exam day. 

Familiarize your cat with their carrier. Have a kitty who runs and hides when they see their travel carrier? Try pulling your cat’s carrier out of storage 1-3 days in advance so they have time to get used to it. You can offer your cat treats or even feed them their meals in the carrier to help them get more comfortable walking in on their own. 

Make sure your dog is comfortable on leash. We do ask that all dogs are leashed, for their safety as well as the safety of our other patients. Consider practicing with your dog to make sure they can walk comfortably on a short leash. 

Remain calm and positive. Pets are sensitive to their owners’ emotions. Stay calm and positive, using a reassuring tone of voice, and avoid transmitting your own anxiety or stress to your pet. Feel free to bring your pet’s favorite treats to keep them happy and distracted!

a veterinary care professional greeting a family and labrador retriever

Appointment Policies

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your pet’s appointment for check-in. If you have not filled out all relevant patient forms yet, plan to arrive 10 minutes ahead of your appointment.

While we do our best to make sure all of our patients are seen on time, there will be times of occasional unexpected delay due to an emergency or because we are providing care for a patient that needs a little more time. Please accept our apologies should this occur, and understand that the same dedication and courtesy will be provided to your pet should they ever need it.

Have a question about your upcoming appointment? 

Our team is happy to help! Get in touch with any questions about your pet’s upcoming appointment and we’ll do our best to make sure you feel confident and prepared when you visit our vet clinic. 

Showing compassion and empathy to all creatures big and small.

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Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday

Open from 8am – 5pm

Holidays/Weekends – Closed

Copyright © 2023 Pine Point Animal Hospital. All Rights Reserved.